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Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. 100% Natural. Low Tracking. Flushable. Odor Control
Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. 100% Natural. Low Tracking. Flushable. Odor Control
Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. 100% Natural. Low Tracking. Flushable. Odor Control
Why Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter?

Why Catwalk Soybean Litter?

Cats gave us love, fun, and companionship that is unmatched.
Each cat is equipped with unique personalities, with sprinkle
of Cattitude. At Catwalk, we are inspired to develop products
that goes with the Cattitude. Pairing with our Catwalk Soybean Litter,
enriching the walks of life of cats.

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. 100% Natural. Low Tracking. Flushable. Odor Control. Catwalk Original Soybean Cat Litter
Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. 100% Natural. Low Tracking. Flushable. Odor Control. Catwalk Original Soybean Cat Litter

Made with
100% Natural Ingredients

Biodegradable, safe if accidentally ingested

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. 100% Natural. Low Tracking. Flushable. Odor Control. Natural Fragrance. Catwalk Green Tea Soybean Cat Litter

Nat󰉉󰈸󰇽󰈘 Fra󰈇󰈹󰈀n󰇹󰇵

Aromatic scent controls odour effectively

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. 100% Natural. Low Tracking. Flushable. Odor Control. Odour & moisture control. Catwalk Charcoal Soybean Cat Litter
Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. 100% Natural. Low Tracking. Flushable. Odor Control. Odour & moisture control. Catwalk Charcoal Soybean Cat Litter
Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. 100% Natural. Low Tracking. Flushable. Odor Control. Odour & moisture control. Catwalk Charcoal Soybean Cat Litter

Odo󰉉󰈸 & M󰈢is󰉃󰉉󰈹󰇵 Con󰉃󰈹󰈡l

Neutralizing odours & reducing ammonia in urine

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Fast absorbent & hard clumping. Forms clump before reaching bottom part of litter box.

Fas󰉃 󰈀󰇻s󰈢󰈸󰇻en󰉃 & Ha󰈹d 󰉑󰈗󰉉󰈛p󰈏󰈝󰈈

Forms clump before reaching bottom part of litter box

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Low tracking. No more messy mess!

Low Tracking

No more messy

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Easy to scoop

Eas󰉘 󰉄󰈡 Sc󰈢o󰈥

Does not stick to the litter box

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Does not stick to the litter box.


Safe to flush in small quantities

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Flushable. Safe to flush in small quantities.
Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Dust Free. Protect your cat's health and respiratory system.

Dust Free

Protect your cat’s health and respiratory system

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Safe & gentle on paw. Does not stick-on paw

So󰈃 & 󰉂󰈩n󰉃󰈘󰇵 on P󰈀󰉒

Does not stick-on paw

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Absorption rate only take 1 second. 2mm pellet size have lesser in-between space, clumps more effectively
Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Absorption rate only take 1 second. 2mm pellet size have lesser in-between space, clumps more effectively

Ab󰈻o󰈹p󰉃󰈎󰈢󰈞 ra󰉃󰈩 󰈢󰈞l󰉘 󰉄ak󰈩󰈻 1 󰈼󰇵co󰈝󰇶

2mm pellet size have lesser in-between space,

clumps more effectively

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Cat health checks. Cat spends 70% of its lifespan on licking its paw & fur. This might lead to ingesting cat litter indirectly.

Cat 󰉀󰈩󰇽󰈗󰉄h C󰈊e󰇸k󰈻

Cat spends 70% of its lifespan on licking its paw & fur.
This might lead to ingesting cat litter indirectly.

A 100% Nat󰉉󰈸󰇽󰈘 Cat 󰈴󰈎󰉅󰇵󰈸
so󰈗󰉐󰈩 󰇽l󰈗 󰉙o󰉉r 󰈥󰈹󰈢b󰈗e󰈛s

Daily Disposal
Mess at Litter Tray
Health Hazards

Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter.  Catwalk Original Soybean Cat Litter 6L
Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Catwalk Charcoal Soybean Cat Litter 6L
Catwalk Soybean Cat Litter. Catwalk Green Tea Soybean Cat Litter 6L


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